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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: redmullet

Member#: 1225
Location: Aberdeen
Registered: 16-02-2005
Diary Entries: 93

Mood: Pleasantly chilled!
26th February 2006
Windsurfing: Ythan Estuary, Aberdeen
Wind Direction: NNW
Wind Stength: 15-25 mph
Surf / Sea State: Flat, some chop
Air Temperature: Cold
Sea Temperature: Chilly
Weather: Some sunshine
Max Speed: 28 mph (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 24 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Quite a few people out today - Ali (from the Tiree Trip Crew) turned up with a couple of his mates from Dundee Uni. He managed to persuade his dad (Big Jim) to come out as well as the wind was pretty good. Alan, Jim, Andy (with re-modelled board nose) and myself were enjoying the conditions. Rigged the 8m as the wind was only just about OK for planing to start with, but it picked up nicely and at the end, was massively over powered and stuggling to keep the board on the water - fantastic speeds though! Should really have changed down to a 6.3m or 5.8m, but too knackered so called it a day after a great session. Everybody was loving the conditions.
Toys Used:
Mistral Synchro 115L
Rushwind Strike F 8.0 m
Rushwind Freerace Fusion C85 490
MK Ergo 145-245



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